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Carpet Care: Put Your Best (Shoeless) Foot Forward

Shoes on or shoes off in the house? No doubt you’ve probably argued about this with someone at some point in your life. Today, there’s even more to stoke the fires during the current Coronavirus pandemic. After all, people are wiping down groceries, washing their reusable bags, wearing masks and dousing themselves with hand sanitizer before coming back into their homes. It hasn’t taken long for even the most lax to look down and wonder what kind of virulent germs are catching a free ride into their homes via those retro Dad kicks. 

March of the Germs

Before we go there, let’s back up for a moment to the idyllic time before Pan 2020. Coronavirus notwithstanding, what else can you find on the average shoe? This was a question pondered by Dr. Charles Gerba, professor of microbiology and environmental sciences at the University of Arizona. He conducted a study on the bacteria on the bottom of shoes and found that they can carry a veritable petri dish of icky stuff into homes. Mainly, fecal matter, if we’re getting straight to the point. That’s right, one trip to a public restroom or even just a stroll in the park where dogs have been, and your sneakers can easily pick up E. Coli. 

Kick Your Shoes to the Curb

Now, we get to the flooring in your home. Wear your shoes on your carpet, and with every step, you could be grinding in dirt, gum, pesticides, salt and maybe a few of those creepy-crawlies we just discussed above. (BTW, here’s a quick tutorial from our experts on removing stains in your carpet.) Carpet takes a beating from this, as fibers are damaged and start to degrade. It’s safe to say that wearing shoes on carpet shortens its life by 20-50%, according to General Manager John McConnell of Sloane’s Carpet Secret.  

Step back to the present pandemic and the case for leaving your shoes at the front door gets even stronger. While transmission of coronavirus is unlikely to start with a shoe, a recent article in the Huffington Post sheds some light on if and how long the virus could live on shoe material. The Centers for Disease Control also has a handy list of cleaning products that are EPA-approved for use against the virus that causes COVID-19, including products like Lysol spray for soft surfaces like fabric and carpet.

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thru April 30, 2020

The Sole Argument Worth Listening To

As carpet professionals, we always recommend avoiding wearing shoes on carpet. And during the present health crisis, it makes more sense than ever. Who knows? After this is all over, you may find the habit of removing your shoes at the door is easy and comfortable. 

For those who won’t give up their inalienable right to wear shoes inside and have carpet worn down from years of wearing shoes, Sloane’s Carpet Secret is ready to help with over 1,000,000 square feet of premium carpet and, now, vinyl plank. Shop with us in two ways: online from the comfort of your own home; or in-person with safe practices, including social distancing and masks. Both require appointments.