Colorado Carpet Company’s Ideas to Decorate Your Lampshades
Sloane’s Carpet Secret Colorado carpet aficionados are honored to play a part in the decorating projects of our clients—the name-brand carpet we provide at unbelievable savings is the foundation that often launches the remodel of entire rooms. One way to put the finishing touch on your décor is to enhance lampshades to match the style and color scheme used in the room. With just a little effort, you can create a look that would have cost you much more to purchase off the shelf and one that will be uniquely yours.
The Shade
Shop for a simple lampshade at a discount store or purchase one second hand. Some lampshade decorating ideas use just the frame, so the more distressed the lampshade might be even better depending on your project.
Add Fabric Inside or Out
You can add a bold or complementary fabric to the inside or outside of the shade to make a plain white lampshade pop with personality. First, you’ll want to make a paper pattern of the shade. Simply lay the shade on its side and roll it along a piece of paper to make the pattern. Although we suggest a bold fabric for interior applications, nearly all colors and patterns work inside or out. Once you’ve selected the fabric, cut it out using your paper pattern. Apply spray adhesive to the back of the fabric and stick it on the lampshade. Voila! Entirely new shade with very little effort or money!
Bare Bones
Sometimes it’s not what you add, but what you take away that makes a difference. You can tear out the paper or the fabric on an existing lampshade to reveal its frame. You might consider painting the frame and do nothing else so the light bulb’s light is unencumbered. Some do-it-yourselfers choose to hang interesting items such as silverware or beads from the freshly unveiled shade.
Faux Leather
A brown paper bag, yes, the kind you may have used to pack a lunch or bring home groceries, can transform a plain white lampshade into a faux leather masterpiece! The first step is to spray several bags with water from a spray bottle and then crumple them into a ball. Once the bag is sufficiently wrinkled, you’ll unwrap the ball and tear the bag into random-sized pieces. Next, take a foam brush and apply a gel medium to the front and back of the torn pieces. Then place the pieces onto the lampshade in an overlapping pattern. When it’s dry, you can add ribbon or any type of trim to the top and bottom of the shade.
How to Use This Information
It’s never too soon to begin researching all the ways to enhance your home—and your new Colorado carpet. To begin the process of selecting the perfect name-brand carpet, please give us a call at 303-300-9555 or contact us online.
What have you done to embellish a formerly drab lampshade?